
These two issue are questions of mine:

1 If an exception is raised in your task, it seems that the task won’t be executed again. Because the message has been deleted. My answer: https://docs.celeryproject.org/en/stable/faq.html#faq-acks-late-vs-retry The default of acks-late is that the message is deleted once acknowledged by a worker. https://docs.celeryproject.org/en/stable/userguide/tasks.html#Task.acks_late But you can change this value to True (In django might by doing CELERY_TASK_ACKS_LATE = True). Then your task may be consumed many times (The time interval of consuming will be the value of SQS Default visibility timeout).

Amazon SQS

3 The Default visibility timeout will not be working when acks-late is False (default).

I do the experiment by adding time.sleep(120) and set Default visibility timeout to 30 seconds.

def update_hubspot_deal(project_id):
    # Omit

Then the message will in Messages in flight (not available to other consumers). Unless you purge the queue, the message will be consumed endlessly (many many times). Because every 30 seconds, a worker will consume this message.


When the qa server is prepared and running, when you connect to Amazon SQS qa queue, remember you message can be consumed by both your qa server and your local machine.