

Logs are located at ./dashboard/log.

For logger.info is logged into production.log, for puts is logged into puma_stdout.log.



Make you change show up in development mode.

Read apps/README.md.

npm run build means build development App.

The js file like http://localhost.code.org:3000/assets/js/code-studio.js is actually pointed to ./dashboard/public/blockly/js/code-studio.js which is actually a link to /Users/lanezhang/projects/ruby/code-dot-org-staging/apps/build/package/js/code-studio.js. They are not in public/assets/js/code-studio.js!

Files like apps/src/sites/studio/pages/courses/index.js will compiled under apps/build/package/.

If you find http://localhost.code.org:3000/assets/js/courses/index.js 404 error, change optimize_webpack_assets to false in locals.yml.

With the power of yarn start, now change apps/src/sites/studio/pages/courses/index.js will immediately refreshed in your web! You can enjoy your debugging now!


  • Course list: apps/src/sites/studio/pages/courses/index.js