What is browser fingerprinting

Network errors

  • Run curl -x "socks5://" "https://www.google.com/" got error: curl: (97) SOCKS5 reply has wrong version, version should be 5. This is a network issue. You can switch to another WIFI connection.


pip3 install requests
pip3 install PySocks

then run:

import requests
socks5 = "socks5://"
proxy = dict(http=socks5, https=socks5)
res = requests.get('https://google.com', timeout=5, proxies=proxy)

Got error:

MaxRetryError: SOCKSHTTPSConnectionPool(host='google.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.contrib.socks.SOCKSHTTPSConnection object at 0x108a61810>: Failed to establish a new connection: SOCKS5 proxy server sent invalid data'))

This is also a network issue (The same as the curl example. You can switch to another WIFI connection.)


Clash pro

Clash pro has limited feature. I prefer to use Clash for windows.
For x86 Intel CPU of Macbook,

  • Click Config - Remote config - Manage -Add. For Url, input a valid url, then click the OK button.
  • If the Url is valid, you should see that there would be a list of proxy there if you click Dashboard.
  • Then click Set as system proxy (you can Wifi - Network preferences - Advanced - Proxies) to check Web Proxy, Secure Web Proxy, SOCKS Proxy).

Clash for windows

  • Visit clash_for_windows_pkg/releases, for x86 Intel CPU of Macbook, you can download the Clash.for.Windows-0.20.3.dmg
  • Click Profiles, enter the URL and click Download.
  • Click General, set the Port as 7890. Then click System Proxy to enable it. Now you can try to open a web browser and test if you can visit google.com to verify your proxy. You should be able to visit google.com, but your browser started via puppeteer may still can not visit google.com. Then it is time to enable TUN Mode.
  • Click General, then click TUN Mode to enable it. Then verify your browser started via puppeteer again. You should be able to visit google.com.

  • References: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4Js3gBRzwU

About TUN.

This solution can make which shadowSocks could not make because shadowSocks doesn’t support TUN mode.

If a proxy could not be used, it may not the issue of the proxy. It may because the network (like WIFI) which is not able to visit google.com. Use Clash’s TUN Mode can solve it.