Relationships of Jira

Issue type

  • When a issue type is created, it is put into default issue type schema by default.
  • issue types has schema. Here I call it issue_type_schema.

Issue type schema

  • issue_type_schema is a group of issue types.
  • issue_types_schema can be assigned to many projects, but a project can only has one issue_types_schema.


  • You can pick only one issue_type_schema for a project.

Issue status

  • Issue status is an attribute of issue. E.g: Backlog, In progress or Done are some of the predefined issue statuses.


  • A workflow is a group of issue statuses. E.g: You can define a custom workflow only contains these three issue statuses.
  • Jira has some predefined workflows.

Issue statuses are finally assigned to an issue type by assigning workflow to that issue type in a project (must under a project).

Marketplace apps

Time in status

  • After you click install, it will ask you that it want to get some permissions from you.
  • After installed, a post page will display.