
  • 平时开发,在本地建一个’branch 你的姓名’,如’branch zhangsan’,并把开发代码提交到remote的’branch 你的姓名’。测试确认无问题后合入master
  • ‘branch master’作为产品更新的唯一branch
  • 如果涉及到某个功能需要多人合作完成,这时把自己已经完成,并无不可运行错误的代码,从’branch 你的姓名’合入到’branch develop’中,等develop测试完毕,合入到master中


$ git reset --hard a_commit # 强行回滚到某个旧版本,这在很多时候都很好用,比如分支错乱git rebase又不会用的时候
$ git fetch # 如果git remote有更新,必须要fetch一下,否则可能找不到最新的commits
$ git cherry-pick a_commit # 把某个commit放到当前本地branch

git config

$ git config --global user.email 'mail_zlj a-t 163.com' #Set email
$ git config --global user.email #Show email
$ git config --global user.name
$ git config user.email # If we don't use the `--global`, that means we set in this git project we use another user.email. `git commit` and `git log` to see what difference. Then if it is displayed in GitHub, we can see another user is contributing if this email is an account of GitHub. 

git remote

$ git remote add origin https://github.com/gazeldx/duokong.git #Add a remote URL
$ git remote -v #List all remotes
$ git remote set-url origin https://github.com/gazeldx/hutch.git
$ git remote add upstream https://github.com/gocardless/hutch.git
$ git ls-remote # list remote branches

git push

$ git push -u coding coding_local:master # Push to (coding master) remote branch from coding_local branch

git branch


$ git branch # View local branches
$ git branch -r # View remote branches
$ git branch -d the_local_branch # Delete a local branch
$ git push origin --delete develop # Delete a remote branch develop.
$ git checkout -b your_branch # 切换到your_branch,如果your_branch不存在就创建它。这句话不会修改任何代码。
$ git push <remote-name> <branch-name> # E.g: git push origin your_branch
$ git checkout master
$ git pull origin master
$ git merge test
$ git push origin master
$ git log <path/branch>

git stash

$ 可以把一些改动先藏起来。这样就可以成功pull代码了,否则可能报错有冲突,不让你pull。pull完代码后,再git stash apply stash@{id},就可以把本地藏起来的改动合入本地,可能需要你解决一下冲突。
$ git stash list
$ git stash show -p stash@{0} # 查看stash@{0}内容.stash@{0}可用0替换。下同。
$ git stash apply stash@{0} # 将stash@{0}内容恢复到当前版本

pull request

$ git pull git://github.com/chenge/ruby-db-admin.git master # Merge from Pull request

git rebase


$ git log --oneline
$ git rebase -i <commit_id_or_branch_name> # commit_id_or_branch_name一般会选择用master。进入后,在界面中可以reorder(直接修改行的位置), squash(把若干commit合成一个)或(直接删除掉不需要的commit就可以删除commit了)
$ 假如现在有两个分支同时开发,都基于master。现在branch_A先合入到master中了,这时在branch_B中应该git rebase -i master,然后`:q!`。如果有冲突,就修复冲突,然后把修复后的文件`git add`进来,然后
$ git rebase --continue # 可能还有冲突,继续解决冲突,并git rebase --continue。最终会使得branch_B中的所有提交都在branch_A之后。所有人都这样做就完美了。
$ git push origin your_branch -f # 要加-f才能提交成功

Git tag

git tag -a v1.0.17 -m "My version v1.0.17"
git push origin v1.0.17
git push --delete origin v1.0.23

Permission issues

Run git push origin PROJ-674 but got:

ERROR: Repository not found.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights, and the repository exists.

This repo in GitHub is a private repository. First, ls ~/.ssh to see if there are id_rsa and id_rsa.pub pairs. Actually, you can generate many pairs for different accounts by ssh-keygen -t rsa.

Then add the id_rsa.pub or something like id_rsa_2.pub to GitHub SSH and GPG keys.

Then run ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa_2.

If have the error again after restarting, you may want to permanently add ssh private key. Please refer to permanently add ssh private key and SSH-keys-in-macOS-Sierra-keychain

touch ~/.ssh/config # paste bellow into this file
Host *
  AddKeysToAgent yes
  UseKeychain yes
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_2